Monday, August 30, 2010

to lose life or love?

I was always careless as a child.

And there's a part of me that still believes,

My soul will soar above the trees.

But a desperate fear flows through my blood,

That our dead loves buried beneath the mud.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

You'll get over it.. it's the cliches that cause the trouble. To lose someone you love is to alter you life for ever. You dont get over it because "it" is the person you loved. The pain stops, there are new people, but the gap never loses. How could it? The particularness of someone who mattered enough to grieve over is not made anodyne by death. This hole in my heart is in the shape of you and no one else can fit it. Why would I want them to?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Final night

Had a great night yesterday. Haven't had such fun before. Will definetly miss all the fun and great times we spend. ^^

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Have I told you lately that I love you?

Well dear, I'm telling you now.

Friday, August 13, 2010

it's never easy

Endings are never easy. I always build them up so much in my head that they can’t possibly live up to my expectations and I just end up disappointed. I’m not even sure why it matters to me so much how things end. I guess it’s because we all want to believe that what we do is very important. That people hang on to our every word, that they care what we think. The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone, anyone, feel a little better.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cant you understand?

Just say Im naive. I've finally see the clearer picture after what I've been thru lately. I don't want to be more than friend. You're like the cannibal,take a bite of my heart. I'm afraid I won't get out alive. I tried to run and hide. Your killing from inside.